Stainless Steels

Steel grade Standard Application
B 848 P/F 1020 USA SAE Standard Specification for Powder Forged (P/F) Ferrous Materials
A 182 F 10 USA SAE Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service
Elgiloy USA UNS Special Purpose Alloys ("Superalloys")
Discaloy USA UNS Special Purpose Alloys ("Superalloys")
D-979 USA UNS Special Purpose Alloys ("Superalloys")
D6AC USA UNS Steel, Welding Wire 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.07V (0.34 - 0.40C) Vacuum Melted, Environment-Controlled Packaging
D6AC USA UNS Steel Bars, Plates, Sheets, Billets, and Reforging Stock Type D6AC
D6AC USA UNS Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.12V (0.42 - 0.48C) (D6AC) Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted, Annealed
D6AC USA UNS Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.12V (0.45 - 0.50C) Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted
D6AC USA UNS Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.12V (0.43 - 0.49C)
D6AC USA UNS Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.11V (0.45 - 0.50C) Vacuum Consumable Electrode Remelted
D6AC USA ASTM Steel, Welding Wire 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.07V (0.34 - 0.40C) Vacuum Melted, Environment-Controlled Packaging
D6AC USA ASTM Steel Bars, Plates, Sheets, Billets, and Reforging Stock Type D6AC
D6AC USA ASTM Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.12V (0.42 - 0.48C) (D6AC) Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted, Annealed
D6AC USA ASTM Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.12V (0.45 - 0.50C) Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted
D6AC USA ASTM Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.12V (0.43 - 0.49C)
D6AC USA ASTM Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.11V (0.45 - 0.50C) Vacuum Consumable Electrode Remelted
Custom 455 Grade 2 USA UNS Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 12Cr - 8.5Ni - 1.2Ti - 2.0Cu Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 455 Grade 2 USA ASTM Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 12Cr - 8.5Ni - 1.2Ti - 2.0Cu Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 455 Grade 1 USA UNS Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 12Cr - 8.5Ni - 1.2Ti - 2.0Cu Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 455 Grade 1 USA ASTM Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 12Cr - 8.5Ni - 1.2Ti - 2.0Cu Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 455 USA UNS Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 12Cr - 8.5Ni - 0.30Cb - 1.1Ti - 2.0Cu Multiple Melted, Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 455 USA UNS Steel Wire, Corrosion Resistant 11.8Cr - 8.5Ni - 0.30(Cb + Ta) - 1.1Ti - 2.0Cu Precipitation Hardenable, Spring Temper
Custom 455 USA UNS Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welded Tubing 12Cr - 8.5Ni - 0.30Cb - 1.1Ti - 2.0Cu Vacuum Induction Plus Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 455 USA ASTM Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 12Cr - 8.5Ni - 0.30Cb - 1.1Ti - 2.0Cu Multiple Melted, Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 455 USA ASTM Steel Wire, Corrosion Resistant 11.8Cr - 8.5Ni - 0.30(Cb + Ta) - 1.1Ti - 2.0Cu Precipitation Hardenable, Spring Temper
Custom 455 USA ASTM Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welded Tubing 12Cr - 8.5Ni - 0.30Cb - 1.1Ti - 2.0Cu Vacuum Induction Plus Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 450 USA UNS Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.60Cb - 1.5Cu Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 450 USA UNS Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.30Cb - 1.5Cu Consumable Electrode Melted, Solution Heat Treated Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 450 USA UNS Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.30 Cb (Nb) - 1.5Cu Consumable Electrode Remelted, Solution Heat Treated Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 450 USA UNS Steel, Corrosion Resistant Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.50 (Cb + Ta) - 1.5Cu Solution Heat Treated
Custom 450 USA ASTM Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.60Cb - 1.5Cu Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 450 USA ASTM Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.30Cb - 1.5Cu Consumable Electrode Melted, Solution Heat Treated Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 450 USA ASTM Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.30 Cb (Nb) - 1.5Cu Consumable Electrode Remelted, Solution Heat Treated Precipitation Hardenable
Custom 450 USA ASTM Steel, Corrosion Resistant Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.50 (Cb + Ta) - 1.5Cu Solution Heat Treated